Resource DLL are those which contains recourse related to binary and no source code. Resource DLL can contain the followings

  1. Accelerators
  2. Bitmaps
  3. Icons
  4. Cursors
  5. Menus
  6. Dialogs
  7. HTMLS
  8. String Tables
  9. Toolbars
  10. Versions
Resource DLL can holds resources that can be shared between many applications and thus minimizes the size of each applications.

Resource DLLs are loaded using LoadLibrary() and the with MFC API AfxSetResourceHandle() we set the loaded resource DLL instance as our current resource instance. All the call of loading a resource line LoadIcon() etc. will now be loaded from the resource DLL.

Necessary MFC APIs:
  • HINSTANCE AFXAPI AfxGetResourceHandle() - Returns the current loaded resource handle.
  • void AFXAPI AfxSetResourceHandle(HINSTANCE hInstResource) - Sets the new resource handle for the MFC Application.

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