CLSID, GUID, UUID are all unique identities of COM related fields. These fields are named as they are used in the applicale fields.
Globally Unique Identity. It is a 128bit integer and used to identify COM or other objects in applications with an unique value. GUID is generated uniquely with the combination of time, network MAC address and other unique fields.
A CLSID is a globally unique identifier that identifies a COM class object. It is also an unique id and alias of GUID. COM class object component should create a registry in CLSID.
Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CLSID} InprocServer32 =
Universally unique identity. It is same as GUID and used in IDL file.
uuid(a03d1422-b1ec-11d0-8c3a-00c04fc31d2f), helpstring("IMyInterface interface"), pointer_default(unique); dual, oleautomation ] interface IMyInterface : IDispatch { HRESULT MethodD([in] BSTR OrderIn, [out, retval] * pTakeOut); }; //end IMyInterface def [ uuid(a03d1423-b1ec-11d0-8c3a-00c04fc31d2f), version(1.0), helpstring("MyInterface Type Library"), ] library MyInterfaceLib { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); interface IMyInterface; [ uuid(a03d1424-b1ec-11d0-8c3a-00c04fc31d2f), helpstring("IMyInterface Component Class") ] coclass MyInterfaceComponent { [default]interface IMyInterface; interface IMyInterface }; //end coclass def }
AppID: Application Identity. A friendly human readable string id of a co-class. Identifies the AppID GUID that corresponds to the named executable.
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