There are several major advantages of using interface based programming.

1) Language Independency - COM/DCOM is programming language independent. Both Server and Client are loosely coupled through interfaces. Interfaces are the gateways between client and server. Both of them understand the methods they interact with, but not interested how methods are implemented inside them. Thus it is possible a JAVA client interacts with a server written in VB.

2) Location Independency - DCOM ensures that the client can execute a method to a remote server provided proper DCOM configuration has been established. An abstraction will be created between server and client using stub and proxy. Stub will create an abstraction as if it is interacting directly with client and proxy will ensure client that it is directly interacting with server. Data exchange between client and server using stub/proxy can be achieved by Marshalling. Windows OS manages this by means of LPC/RPC.

3) Versioning and Backward Compatibility - COM DLL/EXE never dependent of particular version of the binary. It is always backward compatible.

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