What will be the output if in the following condition, funct() function fails and returns 1 or -1 accordingly, Where funct() returns 0 for success and an error code on failure?
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(nError = funct() != 0) { printf("Error code %d\n",nError); } }
Though function funct() returns -1 but error code will be 1 for both the cases.
Here is the explanation:
condition funct() != 0 is true or 1 as funct() returns -1
result is nError = 1
This is because expressions are evaluated from right to left.
Thus funct() != 0 is the first to be evaluated and the result is passed on to the left side.
If we need the return/error code in nError, we must enclose the statement in brackets like:
(nError = funct()) != 0
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