Followings are the syllabus and reference books for Microprocessors.

History and developments of microprocessors. Microprocessors Basic block diagram and working principles. Constructions of Intel 8085 microprocessor family. Accumulator and Registers. memory interfacing. Primary Memory Mapping with pages. Assembly Language reference. Communication to the micoprocessor through KeyBoard, Display Device and Memory Interface. Interrupt Sub-routines. Some Intel's Chips to interface with Microprocessors. Serial &Perallel interface. Microprocessor x86 family. or x86 family.
Books and Links:
Text Books:
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming &Application - Author: R.Gaonkar, Wiley
2. Advanced Microprocessor &Peripherals - Author: Ray &Bhurchnadi, MH
3. Microcontroller- Author:Deshmukh, MH 2/e

Reference Books:
1. Microprocessor &interfacing- Author: Hall, MH
2. Fundamental of microprocessor- Author: Uday Kumar, Pearson
3. The 8051 microcontroller &Embedded System- Author: Mazidi &Mazidi, Pearson/PHI
4. Microprocessor &Microcontroller- Author: Krishnakant, PHI
5. Microprocessor &Peripherals- Author: Chowdhury &Chowdhury, Scitech
6. Advance Microprocessor- Author: Badriram &Badriram-MH
7. 8085 Microprocessor Programming &Interfacing- Author: N.K Srinath-PHI
8. Microprocessor-Theory &Application- Author:M. Rafiquezzaman;PHI
9. Microcontroller &Microcomputer Principles of H/W &S/W Engg- Author: F.M Cady-Oxford.

Online Resources:
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 (5th Edition) by Ramesh S. Gaonkar
8085 microprocessor questions | TechInterviews
Intel 8085 microprocessor architecture
Intel 8085 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microprocessor Tutorials - 8085 Microprocessor Tutorial Resource
Welcome to 8085projects.info - Projects for 8085
